Holy Kingship - Flag

Holy Kingship'Purple. Silver organza. Purple' Trinity Line.jpg
Holy Kingship'Purple. Silver organza. Purple' Trinity Line.jpg

Holy Kingship - Flag

from $30.00

Purple/Silver/Purple-Lame or Organza

“For the Kingship (dominion) & the Kingdom are the Lord’s, and He is the ruler over the nations.”{Psalm 22:8)

As the waves of the vibrant, majestic colors of ~ White ~ meaning (Holy, Bride, Angels, Resurrection, Purity) and~ Purple~ meaning (Kingship, Majesty, Intercession, Tabernacle) flags line the aisles, the worshippers claim dominion in the House of the King as holy and pure for His people. Jesus! This is Your Church, Your dominion forever & ever!

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Adorn the sanctuary with the ~Holy Kingship~ flags in times of praise & worship, intercession, warfare and expressive worship.


Please note! The colors vary in design & and are available in  purple lame,  white lame or white shimmering organza.

 Most deliveries are in 3-4 days. However, it may take 2-4 weeks delivery for specialty colors. Thank you!

 The Flags (cloth) are made of tissue lame and organza, a lightweight, flowing & semitransparent material. The flags are attached to Standards (shafts) by secured spin tubes, creating an expressive, powerful & anointed flow for worship! The Standards are 33 “or 36” in length with a 3/8” diameter, perfect for any sized hand! The flags are made in 2 sizes for adults .The sizes are made versatile for any sized space or sanctuary.

The words: Banner, Flag and Standard are interchangeable throughout the Bible. In the Old Testament, one of the names of God is "Jehovah Nissi" which means “The Lord our Banner" {Exodus 17:15}. The biblical meanings of the flags are basic. The flag means to gleam or glisten from afar! The flag is a testimony, a visible sign between Heaven & earth!